Company Background

Company Background

The Managing Director and Chairman of the company Dr.M M Amjad Hussain is Basically a Physician and started his career as Doctor in Pakistan Army. He has left the army in 1950 and started business in Chittagong the port city of Bangladesh. In the year 1958 he started first Export oriented industry Pakistan Kapok Mills Limited in Chittagong and started exporting kapok fibres in USA. In the year 1964 he started textile industry named Alhaj Textile Mills Limited. (At that time it was the largest textile Industry in Bangladesh) at Ishwordi in Pabna district. In the year 1967 he set up a jute Mill named, Alhaj Jute Mill Limited at Sharishabari, in jamalpur district. After liberation of Bangladesh in the year 1974 all the textile & Jute industries, were nationalized . From 1974-1983 he was involved in trading. In 1980 he started Pharmaceutical Company named Drug International Limited formulating pharmaceutical finished products at Tongi, Gazipur. In the year 1998 Drug International Limited has expanded their activities by setting up another unit under the same name Drug International Limited, Basic Chemical Division to Produce bulk drugs. In the year 1997 ATI Limited a software Industry was established who are engaged in developing customized software. ATI Limited, one of the largest software development company in the country and export their software in abroad. In 1995 the Management of the company has also set up a 586 Bedded Modern Hospital & Medical College named Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College and Hospital on non-profitable basis under societies registration Act 1860 at Enayetpur under Sirajgonj district. The Medical College started educational activites from 2004. To facilities hospital and develop health sector by providing modern nursing training KYAMCH Nursing Institute has also been set up and started its academic activities in the year 2004 in t he same premises. The other Directors and shareholders of these companies are from same family.

In order to meet countries growing demand for Tiles ATI CERAMICS LIMITED has been set up at B.K Bari, Bhawal Mirzapur, Gazipur with sophisticated imported machine from Germany.

In order to meet countries growing demand for Tiles ATI CERAMICS LIMITED has been set up at B.K Bari, Bhawal Mirzapur, Gazipur with sophisticated imported machine from Germany. The company has started commercial production from june 2002 and supplying the Granjito Tiles (The only and one of its kind manufactured Bangladesh) with entire satisfaction of the customesr. With a view to expand and meet the market demand the company has been set up a new plant with 2007 on the same premises. Presently yearly production capacity is 3000,000M2. The entrepreneur of the company also set up a Tea Estates named M.M. Tea Estates at, Tetulia, Panchaghar in the year 2004. Cultivation is on going. ATI, a prosperous company in Bangladesh is going to change your life style.It has bring for you the attractive Exterior facig brick which will of courses raises your aristocracy standard of living. It has the facility of looking clean from outside which attracts anybody. You have the opportunity of saving your money by ‘no painting requirements’ in every year. YIn Bangladesh, some other local companies are producing this type of brick having higher water absorption which is highly weighted & highly priced also. But, we offer your out brick at a lower price compared to others with less water absorption, less weight & uniformity of size.